Monday, May 31, 2010

Embodying Duality
To be human is to naturally embody duality with or without conscious or unconscious intent. Humans can create or destroy through both decision and indecision. Humans can choose to be passive or aggressive, and choosing neither or choosing indecision is still a valid decision.

Humans are clever chameleons or shape-shifters that teeter fearlessly and fearfully on the boundaries between conformity and nonconformity, conventionality and unconventionality, traditional and untraditional. Humans are able to alter an appearance into a perfectly fitting piece of either one or the other when deemed necessary, appropriate, or beneficial to the self to settle into one or the other categories of duality.

To be human is to understand and live in conflict within the environment, while simultaneously trying to find or attain harmony, peace, contentment, or some evasive yet universal concept of human morality that for some reason ought to encompass a part of every human.

In gaining understanding or knowledge, humans both consciously and unconsciously share their affirmations with others who might not otherwise have been so illuminated, or overshadowed, by the nonexistence of that concept in their previous understandings.

This is the sheer nature of the human and the nature of communication.

In understanding individual thoughts and feelings humans seek to explain that to others in an effort to rationalize or justify themselves for thinking and feeling a particular way for a valid reason, when in fact no reason, validation, or justification is warranted beyond the self’s knowledge of itself. To understand and to share understanding is on some levels to pass judgment despite trying not to be judgmental.

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