Thursday, May 13, 2010


With a bit of simple reasoning we can readily understand how ours’ is a world of duality. By this is meant, we always experience opposites, like heat and cold, light and darkness, happiness and distress. Likewise, in our present conditioned state we are forced to accept the dualities of birth and death. While we may be accustomed or conditioned to accept these opposing values as part of our natural experience, in the higher realm of pure consciousness, they do not exist as such. By this I mean that as pure, free spiritual beings, we are eternal and never need be confronted with the destruction of our beings. Unfortunately, upon our acceptance of these material bodies, we are forced to experience what is called death.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what this author means by "upon our acceptance of these material bodies..." Do we actually have a choice? Can we neglect the existence of our flesh? What would we become?
    Quite a stand he is making here, don't you think?
