Monday, May 31, 2010

Embodying Duality
To be human is to naturally embody duality with or without conscious or unconscious intent. Humans can create or destroy through both decision and indecision. Humans can choose to be passive or aggressive, and choosing neither or choosing indecision is still a valid decision.

Humans are clever chameleons or shape-shifters that teeter fearlessly and fearfully on the boundaries between conformity and nonconformity, conventionality and unconventionality, traditional and untraditional. Humans are able to alter an appearance into a perfectly fitting piece of either one or the other when deemed necessary, appropriate, or beneficial to the self to settle into one or the other categories of duality.

To be human is to understand and live in conflict within the environment, while simultaneously trying to find or attain harmony, peace, contentment, or some evasive yet universal concept of human morality that for some reason ought to encompass a part of every human.

In gaining understanding or knowledge, humans both consciously and unconsciously share their affirmations with others who might not otherwise have been so illuminated, or overshadowed, by the nonexistence of that concept in their previous understandings.

This is the sheer nature of the human and the nature of communication.

In understanding individual thoughts and feelings humans seek to explain that to others in an effort to rationalize or justify themselves for thinking and feeling a particular way for a valid reason, when in fact no reason, validation, or justification is warranted beyond the self’s knowledge of itself. To understand and to share understanding is on some levels to pass judgment despite trying not to be judgmental.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Unthinkable Duality of a Human Being

Unthinkable Duality of a Human Being

Name of artist
Akhunova Svetlana
Age of artist
Explanation for work
The essential of my artwork is a very important idea for each of us - the idea of man's soul.

As we know before the fall man was fully under the cover of nature and was an integral part of it. But after Adam tasted the forbidden fruit an irreversible metamorphose happened – he became overpowered by pride. Man believed he'd become dominant over nature. But no matter we feel ourselves universal kings, hidden and obvious in human's inbeing prove it wrong. Everything works backward since roots are put down.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Duality on the Korean Flag

South Korean Flag

South Korean Flag Description

The flag, called "Tae Kuk," symbolizes the thought, philosophy, and mysticism of the Far East.

The circle in the center, red upper half and blue lower half, represents absolute, or the essential unity of all being. The Yang (positive) and the Yin (negative) divisions within the circle represent duality. Examples of duality are heaven and hell, fire and water, life and death, good and evil, or night and day

The four trigrams also indicate the duality of opposites and balances. In the upper left trigram, three unbroken lines symbolize Heaven; opposite them in the lower right, three broken lines represent Earth.

In the upper right trigram, two broken lines separated by an unbroken line is the symbol of Water; opposite them is Fire, symbolized by two unbroken lines separated by a broken line. Symbolic of the nation is the white background (the land), the circle (people), and the four trigrams (the government). All three make up the essential elements of the nation.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Two year progam

HI people, I was wondering why I hadn't done this before, but this is the link that will take you to the curriculum I wrote down for these two years after discussing general outlines with Ma. Jesus Herrera.
By no means is this prescriptive, since we always have the option of change depending on how the course goes and you own suggestions.

This is the link. Check it out.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Forever Young

Let's dance in style, lets dance for a while
Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies
Hoping for the best but expecting the worst
Are you going to drop the bomb or not?
Let us die young or let us live forever
We don't have the power but we never say never
Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip
The music's for the sad men
Can you imagine when this race is won
Turn our golden faces into the sun
Praising our leaders we're getting in tune
The music's played by the madman

Forever young, i want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever forever
Forever young, i want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever young

Some are like water, some are like the heat
Some are a melody and some are the beat
Sooner or later they all will be gone
Why don't they stay young
It's so hard to get old without a cause
I don't want to perish like a fading horse
Youth is like diamonds in the sun
And diamonds are forever
So many adventures couldn't happen today
So many songs we forgot to play
So many dreams are swinging out of the blue
We let them come true

Forever young, i want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever forever
Forever young, i want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever forever forever
Forever young, i want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever forever
Forever young, i want to be forever

Plastic Surgery Addiction - Sick Society

What is Plastic Surgery Addiction?

First of all, cosmetic surgery addiction is a completely real condition and is no laughing matter. Some people literally become obsessed with the aesthetic surgery industry and set out to rebuild their entire body from the ground up. Many of these patients begin their journey simply wanting to correct a few specific anatomical issues, but progress to addiction after completing their initial surgical desires. Once these patients have fixed all their original bodily complaints, they find themselves searching their anatomy for additional regions to alter, fix or correct. Eventually, it is not a matter of what type of procedure is being undertaken, it is simply the obsession with surgery itself which brings these patients back to the operating room time and time again...

Causes of Plastic Surgery Addiction

Cosmetic surgery addiction can affect people just like any other form of dependency. While plastic surgery
does not offer a physical fix like drug addiction, it does satisfy a psychological need, like gambling or sex addition. Patients might encounter a surgical dependency for a number of reasons. The most common contributors to cosmetic surgical addiction include:

* Addictive personality
- This person is simply prone to dependency issues and can get hooked on almost anything.

* Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)- can cause body image compulsions which drive the patient to make change after change. These compulsions are sometimes completely irrational, but extremely powerful.

* Positive Surgical Results - can cause some women to gravitate towards additional surgeries. Women who are pleased with their new body might seek to make more drastic changes to improve even more. While undergoing a few specific procedures does not qualify as an addiction, some patients simply can not stop.

* Unsatisfied Emotional Motivators - can cause the woman to continue in her search for an emotional placater. Sometimes a patient thinks surgery will cure some unresolved emotional issue, but fails to do so. These patients often continue to look for a surgical cure which will finally put their internal motivating to rest.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Field trip orals

Again,the way to benefit the most of this learning technique is to; 1) listen carefully to your presentation; 2) detect what it is that you believe you achieved (depending on your aims), and what makes you think this so; 3)detect what it is that you are not satisfied with in terms of your expectations and explain/invent what techniques you might wish to use next time to improve this aspect.

4)You should send these comments to me so I can assess your metacognitive work, and add it to your oral grade.

The more you meditate on your learning techniques and abilities, the better you will know how to deal with this particular skill which will help you with future academic challenges.

This is the link that will take you to your oral. I will be expecting you self assessments in one week.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


But what is exactly passionate love?
Passion means suffering ,where destiny has complete power over that person, the person is no longer free or responsible. Passion means loving love more than the object of love, loving passion by itself, it is to love and to seek suffering. Passion-Love: desire for what hurts us and kills us in its triumph .
Love and death, mortal love is what the great majority of our poetry is about, or at least the kind that is the most popular, we see this theme in prose as well; we see it in our best movies, as well as our best songs. A happy love has no story, only mortal love is worth a tale.
We glorify passion, we have great enthusiasms for it, we no longer think of passion as what will hurt, we see it as a more lively life promise, it has a power that transfigures, we see it as something that is beyond happiness and suffering ,a sizzling beatification.
Why do we wish to feel this passion that hurts us even when our reason also condemns it? Why do we long for this love whose bloom can only be suicidal?
Wagner says it is due to our attraction for death, that attraction to know that we are in the limit.
This attraction for death that our society has, might have been influenced by a dualist world conception, this dualist conception sees in life a true tragedy, a disgrace ;but sees in death the ultimate victory , in which the being will be reintegrated to the unit, through death man is ascended to its god. In order to bring our sacrifice, a magnification of our desires is needed.
The kind of love that this dualism conception harvest is a kind of love that denies any kind of earthly love, it also denies any kind of earthly happiness.

passionate love

Duality of men

Duality 2

Second ad...

duality of men

Refers to the two opposing sides of the nature of man. For example: good and evil, emotional and reasonable. This is a common thread through history, religion and art.

In art the opposition will be portrayed with a diabolic figure with its opposition. In literature for example or movies they present a principal character and his antagonist. In the case of religion Christianity for example has God as the good side being the creator of everything and Satan being the bad side trying to take over the souls of men.

In the image below we have a kid that portrays innocence and at the same time that innocence has the opposition of a gun. This is highlighted by the color used in this case red and white.

Duality of men- Silvina

In philosophy of mind, dualism is a set of views about the relationship between mind and matter, which begins with the claim that mental phenomena are, in some respects, non-physical.
Ideas on mind/body dualism originate at least as far back as Zarathushtra. Plato and Aristotle deal with speculations as to the existence of an incorporeal soul that bore the faculties of intelligence and wisdom. They maintained, for different reasons, that people's "intelligence" (a faculty of the mind or soul) could not be identified with, or explained in terms of, their physical body
Dualism is contrasted with various kinds of monism, including physicalism and phenomenalism. Substance dualism is contrasted with all forms of materialism, but property dualism may be considered a form of emergent materialism and thus would only be contrasted with non-emergent materialism. This article discusses the various forms of dualism and the arguments which have been made both for and against this thesis.


With a bit of simple reasoning we can readily understand how ours’ is a world of duality. By this is meant, we always experience opposites, like heat and cold, light and darkness, happiness and distress. Likewise, in our present conditioned state we are forced to accept the dualities of birth and death. While we may be accustomed or conditioned to accept these opposing values as part of our natural experience, in the higher realm of pure consciousness, they do not exist as such. By this I mean that as pure, free spiritual beings, we are eternal and never need be confronted with the destruction of our beings. Unfortunately, upon our acceptance of these material bodies, we are forced to experience what is called death.


This is the first of the two ads Julie brought yesterday.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Food for thought

We are about to finish our topic option "Media and Language", and we have covered quite a few angles to the issue. Nevertheless, I could not help myself in sending you this web article for you to read. Since "in the end" much of what we have discussed in class (if not all) boils down to this. Log on to this website, it will take you directly to an article titled "Determinismo medial e imposibilidad de la comunicacion" Yes, I know it is in Spanish, despite this fact, we will discuss it in English. I would like someone to volunteer to help Anton out with the translation. Thank you.

By the way, I would like you to comment on the image, how do you read it?

Friday, May 7, 2010


HI everyone, I am sending you a couple of links that deal with this issue, since I can't recall any of you choosing an advertisment from this particular area. It is an eye opener. Enjoy.